Monday, February 8, 2010

A Welcome Home

We took part in putting "welcome home" bags together at our local Legion this past weekend. Because the soldiers cannot carry some things on the plane when they return home, the Legion has taken it into their own hands to make sure they have some basic hygiene products when they return.
It was an experience to make sure our 100 bags had ONE OF EACH THING in it especially since the items were pre-counted on the table. Pressure was on. Needless to say - we didn't end up with exactly the right amount and had to go back through our 100 bags to count each item so as to make sure they had ONE OF EACH ITEM. That ONE OF EACH ITEM was the theme of the head honchos down there. Oh yeah "one of each item" AND "make sure you get the air out of the bags before you put them in the box"!! Right Georgia?! :)

1 comment:

  1. That's so nice that you got to help with that!! oh my, you had to check all of those bags?!!
    The soldiers will be so thankful for all of your help!!
