Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Cheers!

I forgot to post our 2010 celebration photos. Emmy made this great decorated "2010" sign. Margie, it looks like you really want some sparkling grape juice. It has you under its spell or something.

She would NOT give up this cup.
You know come to think of it, around 3:33 every day she gets a little cranky until I give her a bottle. I wonder what that is all about. :)
Nope, I didn't make it this year. I was awoken at 11:59:40 and opened my eyes and mouth to down a sip of wine and get a kiss and then I was out again.

Georgia took great pride in her ability to stay awake until midnight.
Looks like Dad did too.
Oh I guess the cat was able to stay awake too.
But, not bandit. You are a party animal Georgia. We wish you all a wonderful New Year.


  1. Brad looks really awake in that picture ! haha!!!

  2. Congratulations Georgia for staying up to welcome the New Year with your Dad. I think I know why Margie Sue is a little cranky around 3:30 p.m. There might be times that I know that feeling... Maybe that's why she's "special." Happy New Year. It was a great party Saturday. Love to all. XXXX XX
