Monday, December 14, 2009

Snowed-in fun

During the storm we used a baking set that Josie got for her birthday from her Aunt JoAnn (Daddy's side) to make some mini-cupcakes.

I told them to frost them themselves and left them alone....
....only to pop in to snap a picture or two.
Look at what they did!!!! There is more frosting than cupcake!!


  1. These look very yummy!!! Hooray for being snowed in!!

  2. Josie.. you look like you love the frosting best!! :)

  3. That is too cute. I love how they put on all that frosting. After all. Isn't frosting the best part. I noticed your title My Four Girls and it caught my eye. We are made of many girls too. 9 to be exact and only 3 boys!! Your girls are precious.
