Friday, December 18, 2009

Looking at the Sky on Friday

Here was the prelude to our sunset last night. After many days of drab clouds that spit snow every now and then the skies cleared and only a few remained yesterday.


  1. I love how the leaves bordered the sky like a frame.

    My share for LATSOF this week..

  2. It's been hard to capture any decent skies our way either. Rain or just dreary on our end. I captured a few shots this morning as the sun was on the rise.

    Thanks for playing along!

    I have a sky posted now if you have time to stop back by: LATSOF - Good Day Sunshine!


  3. Beautiful sky, I like how that strip of peach on the horizon lights up the tiny clouds. ~ Calico Contemplations

  4. Love the soft color. Great shot!
