Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We love our Spooky Boo!


  1. What an adorable cat! Was she/he really a stray? It's gorgeous!

  2. I can't get over how gorgeous this kitten is!!! (not to mention the little girl holding her.. :) )
    What a find!!! She looks like she is a pure breed something.. himalayan or something?! People pay big bucks for a kitten like that.. lucky bummers!!!
    Love to you all
    Jenny P :)

  3. When the kids are feeling better we'll have to get back over for a visit. I'm sure Elsie and Sam would just love to get their hands on Spooky Boo, that is if it's OK with Josie. She's a little beauty, fit's right in with the rest of the girls in the house! :)

  4. I'll bet she is at least part Maine Coon. She looks to have big paws and the shape of her head is similar to that breed. She is beautiful!
