Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veterans Day celebration

Once again we celebrated Veterans Day at the local school. They put on a REAL nice celebration to honor all the vets in the village. Here are Georgia and Josie standing in front of their Grandpa B. Each vet is called by name and then their family members (that are in the school) walk up the gym to the state to place a medal around their necks. Georgia and Josie are standing amongst their cousins.
If you can spot the three grown men in the back of this crowd they are from left to right: Grandpa B, his brother Jim and another brother Fred. I wish I could remember which branches of the military they were in (Grandpa B was in the Army) but I can't.
They handed out poppies at the school and we learned this:

1 comment:

  1. Great educational advice on the poppy Jenny. I had always wondered what signifigance it had. Girls, you look very sharp. Love You All. Very proud of all of you, including you Jenny. Love Brad/DAD
