Monday, November 16, 2009

Thompson Park Zoo

We took an impromptu trip to the zoo. It was free admission day with canned goods or a coat. The rain made me a little nervous and because it was listed as a "FREE" event in the paper I thought we were going to get soaked and / or it was going to be packed but we lucked out!! It was sprinkling when we got there and we stayed inside to look at the animals in tanks, it cleared up and we got the whole loop in without a sprinkle! The temperature was just perfect. The animals were ALL out playing around. As far as seeing the animals goes, it was one of our best trips yet!
How fitting to run into these two turkeys taking refuge in the zoo. SMART TURKEYS!!
Creepy crawlers inside.

Mr. Turkey. Isn't he beautiful? (EEEww I didn't notice the railing before ... just keep looking at the handsome turkey!! Sorry!!!)

Mr. and his better half. I don't know, his half was looking mighty plump to me.
The wolf pack.
Mr. Bobcat giving himself a cleaning after the sprinkle. Cat's can't have wet fur you know!

The bear cave.

Mr. Wolverine ran right over to the fence for a portrait session.

  1. Here are two little pot-bellied pigs that left us curious. They had a blanket in their pigpen that looked suspicious and we wondered if perhaps the third little pig was rolled up inside!!?

    The goats were very friendly.

    Margie and Brad giving a hello to the Llama.

    The last stop was the play area. This digger tool is always fun to play with.

    This giant spider web puts things into perspective. We didn't get much play time in but it was overall a great day. Thank you mother nature for your cooperation!!

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