Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 09

It was another wonderful Thanksgiving dinner held at Mom's. She is really a great cook and goes ALL OUT my goodness!! Here are the littles at their dinner table.
Here they are giving a Thanksgiving cheer.
Margie Sue got really sick of watching everyone eat but was really amuzed by this cool bouncy seat. Ours is just an empty tray.
Of course the puppies were the biggest hit (aside from dinner itself). Meet Max and Molly, beagle / black lab mutts. They are really adorable.
The kids found the dog kennel pretty fun. Mom said that it will be great to corral them in the summer!
Trying to take them for a walk indoors.
Ooops, Brendan's pup ran out of the picture.
We hope you had a great day yesterday!!

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