Monday, November 2, 2009

meet Spooky Boo

About 9:30 Saturday night we got a call from Senora (the woman who comes to teach the kids Spanish). She said there was a "calendar" kitten outside her door and wondered if we wanted it. I had just told David, her husband a couple of days before that I was thinking about getting a kitten for Josie's birthday. Senora brought the cat over that night and I stuck it in the back room. At about 3:00 Georgia woke up claiming to hear a meowing and of course I played silly and said she was just dreaming. She insisted so I told her to show me where the sound was coming from. She went right to the back room and looked a little nervous as she said "Oh my gosh it's a cat". The nervousness soon broke into a smile as she said again "Oh my gosh it's a cat!!". That morning I put a sign up by the back room that read "Happy Early Birthday Josie" but Josie never saw it once she awoke. The girls woke up and Georgia was beside herself to keep it a secret. I went into the girls bathroom right near where the kitty was hiding and the thing started meowing again. When I came out Jo said "Mom I know you were making that sound, make it again" so I meowed?! The kitten was trying its hardest to get by the barricade and eventually was successful and came traipsing into the girls room to a VERY surprised Josie. The girls named her Spooky Boo and she is settling in very nicely. We'll keep you updated. Isn't she a beautiful kitten?


  1. Wow, Josie's a very lucky girl! What a cute Kitty! It was nice seeing you all over the weekend. And Jenny, that's the look I was talking about in your baby picture (Gma S. face)! Have a good week!

  2. Ohhhh. she's gorgeous!!! What a lucky find!!! We've always wanted a little white kitty. Maybe one will come to our door?! :) Girls, I love your costumes and pumpkins. Very creative! It was rainy/windy here too, but warm! 70 degrees! Strange isn't it? Sarah got sick with a headache though.. (she gets her mom's headaches poor girl..) and we had to leave early. She went home and right to bed.. slept right through. Christian did not trick or treat this year. :( He was invited by some friends to go to 6 flags in Mass. He didn't get home until 1:30am!!! He had fun, but we missed him. Sally took his place.. she went as a jack-o-lantern. :)
    Glad you had fun! We miss you!!
    oh ps.Good job on the costumes Jenny! you are so talented!!!
    love to you all!
    Jenny P
