Monday, November 9, 2009

Hoops for Heart

For the past couple of weeks I have been participating in Hoops for Heart at Brad's school. He organizes a basketball tournament as a fund raiser for the American Heart Association. The kids make up their own teams and Brad forms a faculty team which I play on. IT IS SOOOO MUCH FUN!! Our team is always pretty good but it seems like we always lose once we get to playoffs. Oh well. We have another few years in us. The girls were great helpers keeping score both with the flip score board and the big electronic scoreboard. I worried about them getting sick of it but each day they looked forward to going. Thanks for taking such good care of the little girls (Emeline and Margie) Georgia and Josie. Also thank you Brad for all of your hard work during this time. You are a very organized and no - nonsense kind of guy. I love it. Even though the kids (both your own and your students) give you grey hair they all love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Jenny! That's wonderful you get to participate in that!
    Thinking of you!
    ps check out Sarah's page.. she FINALLY updated it.. we got to use our neighbors high speed attachment, so we took advantage and put an all horse slide show up!! Miss you!! :)
