Friday, October 30, 2009

Toddler Play Time with Nursery Rhymes

We used the rhyme "Little Miss Muffet" and a song called "Five Little Pumpkins" for this weeks nursery rhyme time. It was all about emotions, counting and number recognition.
Georgia loves this time and finds it really fun to teach / play with Emmy.
This is a spider craft that Emmy and I made to play Little Miss Muffet with.
Here is Emmy picking out the
number one for the "Five Little Pumking song".
It goes something like this:
One little pumkin smiling, smiling
One little pumkin smiling, smiling
One littel pumpkin smiling, smiling
One little pumpkin is, happy.
It continues with pouting / grumpy, yawning / sleepy, crying / sad, and laughing / playing.
If you click the link above their is a video to the song.
Emmy being grumpy. Come on Em it's not a stretch for you to be grumpy!
Trying to get those fingers to cooperate. That's tough.
Finding number four and matching it up.
Now she is Little Miss Muffet sitting on her tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
Here comes the spider.
Emmy looking a little frightened. She loved "playing" this over and over and took turns with Josie being the spider. So far all the girls enjoy our nursery rhyme time.

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