Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pure Womanhood by Crystalina Evert

Women are bombarded from all sides with immoral pictures of love. Hollywood gets married, divorced, and married again at the drop of a hat. The all too common reality show depicts a modern image of love based on the physical instead of the spiritual, and is for the moment not the long term. Women are portrayed in commercials, during sports games, TV shows, music etc. as objects not human beings made in God’s image. It’s no wonder women today find it difficult to be comfortable in their skin and not influenced by what they are forced to see around them.

“Pure Womanhood” by Crystalina Evert attempts to empower women by exploring twenty one myths of love most commonly brought to the forefront in young adulthood. She delves into subjects such as “I can’t be alone” , I’ll change him”, and “Good guys don’t exist”. The book is written in pamphlet form and in concise, and precise words lets women know that staying pure until marriage is attainable and is the way to go, if they are in a bad relationship there is always a way out, and that you may not be able to change men but you can change yourself. It challenges women to build self esteem by standing up for what they believe to be right, and if the men around them don’t appreciate the effort then it basically advises to move on to greener pastures because there is someone out there who will.

This book, though short, speaks volumes to growing up in a confused world regarding love. It is a great read for all girls as they pass through the rights of passage into womanhood. It will not only empower them to stand up for what they believe in but also let them know that it is never to late to turn over a new leaf. True, and respectable love is attainable with God’s guidance.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Pure Womanhood.

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