Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pan de muerto

Senora came over and gave another wonderful lesson AND some culture to go with it. She taught us about El Dia de los Muertos or All Soul's Day. See below for a description of the holiday. Above the girls are shaping their dough.
Can you guess what this is. It is a sugar skull with bone pieces.

Boy was it yummy. Thanks Senora this was awesome - you're explanation was beautiful and I love that you will teach us the culture too!!

Day of the Dead, or el Dia de los Muertos, is a happy celebration in Mexico. That's when the souls of the dearly departed return home to the world of the living. All of them. From Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, they descend upon their families and for two days, November 1 and 2, they rejoice together.
Even though a family is saddened by a loved one's departure, they do not cry on the Days of the Dead. The elders say the path back to the living world must not be made slippery by tears.
There are actually two Days of the Dead: November 1 and November 2, and the tradition dates back to the Aztec civilization. Coincidentally or not, these days are also the Catholic holy days of All Saints' and All Souls' days. In Mexican culture, the lines between ancient folklore and the customs of the Spanish Conquistadors frequently blur.
The first Day of the Dead, on November 1, is usually reserved for the children, for honoring the souls of the little angelitos. The next day, the adults are remembered. You will see both young and old in the night's rituals, holding vigils in the town cemetery. Everywhere, round loaves, dusted with colored sugar, are shared with both the living and the dead.
Visit here for a recipe and more information.

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