Monday, October 19, 2009

Brendan's Awesome Party Part 1

Brendan had an awesome birthday party this Saturday. Look how much I enjoyed playing at Velocity! I'm sliding down an inflatable slide with no cares in the world. I thought the place was terrific and I think I will reserve an hour of play next year to celebrate my 33rd birthday!! (thanks for the pic Brad!!)
Brendan turned 2 Saturday and Stacy brought us all to a place called Velocity which is sort of like a big hamster cage for kids! This is an inflatable bouncy thing.

Emmy and Brendan - best friends for the day. (Until Emmy touched his trucks! BACK OFF EMMY!)
This is the hamster cage part.
Are those some faces you recognize?

Gold medalist Emeline.
No messin' around there!

Joyride with a headless cop close behind.
Picture perfect.

Taking a breather.
Margie got to be a big kid too and bounce a little.
More to come of this hillbilly birthday. You'll see what I mean later.

1 comment:

  1. HI Jenny! looks like a fun time!!! Wow, your hair is getting long!! so pretty.
    Thanks for your message! yes, Randy's dog is a weineriner. (I don't know how to spell it either!!) I too have heard that they can be crazy!!!! She had Sally to play with (who is crazy as you know..) so I think that she met her match and when she wasn't playing, she was sleeping (she's a big girl but only 4 months old, so we shall see what she grows up to be like!) She really is a lover though, so maybe she'll be mellow.
    Can't wait to see more pics of Brendan's party!! Hope this note finds everyone well!!! Hey, when you get a chance can you email me your thoughts on the h1n1 vaccine?? I am asking EVERYONE their opinion... I signed the kids up to get it at school, but we may wait.. (been doing research..) what do you think?
    Talk to you soon!
