Monday, September 21, 2009

The "Great" Visit

Grandma and Grandpa H came up to visit over the weekend. They went to church with us and then we piled into their "pad" to party!
There was wonderful conversation. Brad said he learned a lot.
Grandma and Grandpa with my rambunctious Emmy.
The following day we met at Grandma G's to have a cookout. Cookouts are my favorite and it was even more fun to have one with "the Greats" even though the storytelling became quite revealing.
I learned about my Grandparents breaking THE LAW driving without licenses when they were kids and getting pulled over. We also figured out why Jessie is the way she is. Poor girl. Jessie you have a beautiful behind - leave the past in the past and let this Sunday be the first day of the rest of your life!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember Steven making the same sort of comment about my lips when I was a kid. At first it kind of bothered me, but now I see that a lot of celebrities are having surgery to make there lips plump so now I embrace my big lips. haha Jessie should do the same!!
