Thursday, September 10, 2009

09/10 School Pictures:


Today you get to enjoy my beautiful Josie. She picked out her outfit. Stacy and Ava the shirt may look familiar, it is one of her favorites. She loves to mismatch her prints and always looks cute doing so. Josie went first the other day and I see I didn't get as much of her because like I said I was in a hurry thinking my time was short with their tempers and baby Margie.
I love you JoJo!


  1. Josie, you look just beautiful! I especially love the pictures of you out on the bright green grass. Very nice. You enjoy your school work too! Oh, we aren't going to make it over today, so go ahead and let those froggies go if you want!

  2. They look so much alike Jenny!I thought it was Georgia all over again!!!
    have a good weekend!

  3. Beautiful Josie. You look very, very beautiful. We love you very, very much! Have a great school year and do lots of fun school work. XXXX XX

  4. Josie we love the pictures. You are so pretty. Have a good school year.
