Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Trip to the Greats

These are some pictures from a family reunion Saturday. It was so nice to see everyone. This is the kids craft table. Emmy just fell in love with her cousin Kim. She pretends to call her all the time to ask her what she is up to!
Theresa grabbed my brother John along her way so that he could make it. I do believe John has to look up to Ben now!!! The whole immediate gang (minus Cassie) . Cassie you have got to get to these get togethers - we miss you.
Uncle Steve checking out photos from mom, Rick, Ben and Russell's whale watch trip.

I think Emeline found Uncle John very entertaining. We love you John!
We will have to compare group shots to see which has the most people looking in the same direction. That is always a chance happening.
Ava and Ava!!
Brendan was quite curious about the fiddle.
It was so enjoyable to see the kids dance. It was HOT and they really worked up a sweat. I was stamping and dancing in my mind on the sidelines!! I LOVE THE FIDDLE!!
Emmy and Kim again. If only to be a child again.
Hello over there!
Uncle Lee. I took this picture from afar trying to get a candid smile. He obviously knew I was taking his picture because he sat staring at me for a while. I kept looking to the side to smile at him to get him to smile back. What did I ever do to you Uncle Lee! I'm kidding. I think this picture is great!
Josie and Ava dancing away!

Grandpa and Aunt Frannie
4 generation. AND Margie I and Margie II

My sis Theresa.
Benny and Grandpa.
Now these last pictures tell it all. We stayed at Great Grandma and Grandpa H's from Thursday to Saturday. It is so much fun to spend time with them. When I was a kid I remember treasuring the times I'd get to spend there. Well this is Georgia on the way home. She is sentimental like her mama. I must admit I shed a tear too!
Grandma and Grandpa you are very special to us. My girls adore you and we can't wait to visit again soon.
Georgia you have a heart of gold.


  1. How nice you get to see your family so much Jenny.. and Georgia, I shed tears just like you do when we leave NY to come home. Christian does the same thing. When he was about 3 he would really cry loud!! I think he still does, but he tries to hide it... it's hard to leave loved ones !!!
    Jenny, we love your glasses and dress. You look very sophisticated and modern.. very pretty and it suits you. (of course you've always been those things..! some of the many reasons why we just love who you are!)I really need some new clothes.. I hope to go out on Tuesday before school starts (on WEd.. yikes!)
    miss you girl!!!!
    Jenny and fam

  2. We adore those girls.
    It was our pleasure to have you stay with us. We love you all very much. Hope we can do it again soon. Maybe we can have a "rake/pick-up-the-leaves party" weekend with lots of the cousins all helping.
