Monday, July 20, 2009

A celebration of Summer

We had a super weekend. Friday we went to some fireworks. Beforehand we walked the river and saw the beginnings of the sunset.

We waited and waited for the fireworks to begin.
Little Margie passed the time by playing with a glow stick that her big sisters kept forcing into her hands only to find it poking her in the eye shortly thereafter. They paid no mind to that though and just kept giving it to her??.
Josie enjoying the view.
Emeline waiting patiently.
Georgia and Josie put on some shows with their glow sticks.
Now why am I the only one that looks excited? That is how it usually is. I love fireworks and parades and picnics and all those types of things.
Speaking of parades. We "Celebrated Summer" yesterday. Josie came prepared for the drums with her ear muffs again!
I thought of Brendan when this big ladder truck went by.
Check this antique ladder truck out!
Margie Sue didn't miss a beat. Her head followed everything by.
Here is an antique ambulance if you haven't gathered that by the picture. REALLY cool.
Two of my favorite things to listen to, steel drums and bagpipes. Enjoy! What a nice parade. Happy Summer!!

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