Monday, July 27, 2009

A trip back to the olden days

We spent Saturday at Farmer Boy Days at a local museum. The first thing we saw was this little team of oxen learning to pull a wagon. They were adorable and VERY well behaved for being so young.
Then we hitched a ride on a wagon that was a couple hundred years old.
This pair of lovely Percheron's pulled it for us.
Here are the girls entering the one room school house.
Here is the teacher giving them instructions on writing their alphabet. Josie has asked about making a quill and we just haven't gotten to it yet. I was very happy she was able to try it with some blueberry ink the teacher made.
Mistress Emeline also got to write on a slate.
They used some old fashioned playthings like this pair of stilts. There was also a hoop and stick that the teacher said boys used to get themselves to school on time.
We listened to some talk about amazing milk and took part in making butter.
Georgia even milked a goat!! Josie wouldn't try though. Emeline wanted to but mom said no!! Thank you Mrs. Loula for allowing all those kids to yank on you all day long.

There was an area where the kids could pet this teensy weeny goat kid, chickens and a really woolly sheep.
There was a quilting booth and the kids sewed some squares. They couldn't believe their sewing skills. (They have done much of this before!!)
This was really neat. Here is Georgia doing the wash...
...and Josie running the wringer. They want these "toys" to play with at home.
Georgia ground some grain to make homemade bread.
They even kneaded the dough.
Then came some fun music. We played the spoons to some foot stomping music.

Josie kept the beat on a washboard with thimbles. She found a hidden talent.
Then we traveled to Oregon with this team of oxen. Our wagon wasn't covered but what a way for the kids to get a taste of what we learned about all year.
There was even a wind mill and all the kids pumped some water.
Of course after you pump it someone has to carry it. That yoke is apparently over 300 years old!
Whew what a day. That wasn't even all of it but you get a glimpse of just how enriching it was!!


  1. oh, it looked like so much fun. I wish we could have made it!! Ray was talking about it while we were up. Looked like you had nice weather for it too?!! Amazing!
    stop by our blog, I updated it !!!
    we miss you!

  2. That looks like it was a lot of fun!! Were there a lot of people there?

  3. How cool!!! The next time something like this is going on, let us know, we just may have to have a ROAD TRIP!!!!
