Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A "three/fer" one

There was a graduation at Mom's barbeque this past weekend. I surprised the girls by having some certificated printed for them. Here is Georgia (and her mom looking like a goof). She passed second grade!!
There are the graduates. Josie is a first grader now!!!
I'm so proud of you girls. You kept me busy and really gave me great satisfaction.
The three/fer as mentioned above was for Stacy and Brad's birthdays and Margie Sue's baptism. We are singign to Stacy. (You'd think we were singing to Emmy)
Pretty Stacy.

Now we are singing to Brad.
Stacy reading her cards. All of the kids LOVE to make cards.
As part of their graduation I brought along a box of important, impressive "stuff" that the girls did throughout the past year. Sort of like an open house.
A dirt eating Brendan giving me a BIG smile. I have never seen him do this before.
The kids broke out into a softball game. I wish I had watched to see just how exactly they managed to play with 4.


  1. It looks like you all had a great day! Congratulations to one and all!!

    I just love the picture of Brendan!!

  2. Emmy, you are such a riot.. I love your face in the picture! WEll, you ARE practicing for when it's your birthday right??!! I LOVE IT!
    We're at mom's now Jen.. I'll give you a buzz.. we'll see you some morning this week?!
