Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Almost home Georgia, what a lead. Georgia's softball is about half over now and I went to the game last night thinking I'm going to get some pictures. Right by the field there is a storage building that was casting a welcome swatch of shade so we parked the stroller there to keep the baby out of the sun. Unfortunately all of the young kids like to play around a kick board nearby and go virtually unwatched by there parents so I felt obligated to babysit and therefore this is the only picture I got.
I have to add that last week she pitched for the first time in her life. Now usually when the kids start pitching the game goes into "slo-mo" and lasts forever. She faced three batters, struck them out and then was taken out because she was too GOOD. I never heard of such a thing! We made sure to tell her not to expect that outcome next time but what a way to start.


  1. too good?! Whoah Georgia! Watch out opponents!!!
    Keep up the good work!
    Jenny P.
    ps you look real cute playing.. I know that's not suppose to be important to play the game, but I can't help saying it!! :)

  2. Good job Georgia! I wish I could have seen you pitch! Too bad your Mom had to be the designated babysitter! lol

  3. Hey Georgia! Great job playing softball. Congratulations on a great game. Maybe you will be the first female star playing for the Yankees, or maybe Boston????hmmmm
    Love to all the family.
