Wednesday, June 3, 2009

baby minis

Brad's sister Kathy called and let us know that there were babies at the miniature horse farm that the kids visited last year. They were the most adorable tiny things. These two mamas were my favorites. Look at the baby!
That foal is smaller than our dog!
This one loved attention. You had to be slow and quite but eventually they all warmed up to us.
This one was Georgia's favorite. It had one blue eye and one brown eye.
That is the owner kneeling down in the gray shirt. She and her husband were so hospitable. We were very thankful.
Look how small they are compared to Emmy. These were all about a month or a little more too.
This one was Josie's favorite but it was a little skittish. So was it's mommy.
I couldn't get enough. I just kept picturing a pretty matching pair pulling a little cart for me!!
Cousin Kayla getting some love.
Josie with a mama. This one was very social. If interested you can visit the farms website. They are called Little Jimmy's Creekside Minis.

1 comment:

  1. They're so adorable!! There are a couple of these guys living down the road from us and when we walk by and we have Kit and Sarah riding beside us, they whinny and their winny is the most hilarious thing ever!! They sound like they are actually laughing!
    I would love to have one too.. but I wonder what Kit would think? He might not think it's a horse!!!
    Glad you got to go visit! (I just wanted to add.. Jenny, you and your girls are so beautiful!)
    love and miss you all,
    Jenny p.
