Monday, May 4, 2009

working on our family tree

We just finished reading the American Girl Felicity books and she was an immigrant from Sweden. I thought Georgia and Josie would enjoy seeing where our ancestors came from. So far we found out our ancestors came from many different places in Europe. Here is Josie filling in her "My Family" chart.
Georgia made one for herself. I need to extend them because I would like for them to include another two generations. We have some research to do also because we are interested in learning about where these "Greats" came from and the reasons why they may have left their homelands. Thank you Grandma's and Grandpa's for responding to promptly to their request for your help. For your information I found a website called house of names where you can type in a surname and it gives you some information. So far all of the origins match up which is neat. Maybe (if you haven't already) you would like to go there and see if you learn anything new??

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