Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some More Margie

She's getting bigger isn't she? It is amazing how long she is awake now. Yuck! She wants to stay awake all day long. Her naps are shorter and when she is awake she props her head on my shoulder and takes it all in. I used to lay her sideways along my belly and wrap her up in my bathrobe. She loved to be snuggled up like that (I loved it too). No longer the case! She wants to know what is going on. You hear it all the doesn't take long for them to grow up. I'm trying to take it slow!


  1. She certainly is a real "cutie"... XXXXXX

  2. wow.. she's growing sooo fast.. slow down Margie!!! I haven't even gotton a chance to hold you yet!! :)
