Monday, May 11, 2009

Em's Birthday

Emeline had an early birthday party over the weekend. It was very nice to have everyone together. It seems like it had been a while.
She can't be two. She is still my little baby.

Yippee books. She is a busybee so anything to keep her occupied is WONDERFUL!!
Once again a box is the big hit. Josie entertained the littles by being a Josie in the box for a little while. She really gave Em a scare but I missed that shot. Elsie thought it was pretty cool.
Thank you every one for coming.
We also had a really nice breakfast here Sunday for Mom but all of us moms were busy cooking so their will be no visual proof of such an event - therefore I just had to write about it! It was another opportunity to get together. Stacy and family as well as Jessie and family (and of course Mom and family) enjoyed some pancakes, eggs, sausage etc. I hope everyone enjoyed it and had a wonderful day yesterday!

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