Monday, May 18, 2009

Aawwww! Margie was awake when I handed her to Emeline and she cuddled right up and fell asleep. That made Emmy's day!
Emeline full of kisses like usual.
Check out this bed. I used to work on a dairy farm in town and the family has passed quite a lot of nice things on to us over the years. This bed is the most recent gift. It is every little girls DREAM bed. It has really created dilemna in our house though. This violet room was supposed to be the girls sleeping room, (all 4 of them eventually-was it wishful thinking?). I was going to leave the "playroom" a playroom/study room for them. Well, things have changed. The bunk beds are now in the "playroom" and as you can see the dream bed has moved comfortably into their "sleeping" room. I just couldn't say no to the bed. We would need another eventually and I knew that it would have been well taken care of. The girls love it as you can imagine.


  1. Glad you said yes Jenny - the bed and bedroom looks great. Hope that they will always be that close. Love You all Dad/Brad

  2. I love that bed you guys.. wonderful gift!!! Never mind Sarah, I WOULD like that bed!
    Sarah hasn't slept in her room for two weeks.. BIG, BIG spiders!! There have been two in there... one on her bed and one was covering the face of one of her dolls.. sooo creepy! She refused to sleep in there and I can't blame her.. she has been on the futon upstairs.
    I have to get in there and spray or something. I think they are wood spiders.
    It looks like you had a busy weekend! We were busy too, and I didn't have the patience to try andn upload pictures. I will try soon though!
    Love to you all!!!

  3. I love the bed. Georgia looks like she is on cloud nine in that picture! I remember always wanting a canopy bed when I was younger,
