Saturday, April 18, 2009

Paul's Birthday / Easter at mom's

I know I'm a little late posting things lately. These are some pictures from Easter Sunday. We celebrated Paul's birthday which was the 11th. We wish you a happy year Paul!!
The three amigos (once again - this seems to be a popular shot when we get together).
The hosts hard at work cleaning up after a great dinner. What's wrong with us Stacy and Jessie!! :) Oh yeah we have a bunch of babies.
The annual easter egg hunt. Go Jo go!
Emeline found one and looks to be very proud.
Georgia is on a mission!

Thanks for the great day Mom, Rick, Ben and Russell.


  1. I can't imagine why your posts aren't up to date, Jenny!

  2. Great pictures Jenny. I love the portraits you took of the girls Easter morning. They all look so beautiful!I love Margie's little ruffled dress!
