Thursday, April 9, 2009

Margie is 2 weeks!

Margie likes to play with dad when he gets home. She also likes to gaze toward the windows. I guess in this photo the light is giving her a headache.
Looks like she is snubbing her father here doesn't it?
She loves him!
I love this one. See her "reaching" for him?
My angel from heaven.
The girls like to tickle her chin to get a grin.
There is one! Isn't it cute?

We tired her out. Oh the life!


  1. Aww! These pictures are all absolutely adorable! You captured a great "smile" on little Margie. Your eggs came out nice too girls. I need to get to the store and buy some eggs so we can do ours soon.

  2. Cute Little Girl! I love her facial expressions- So sweet!

  3. What a little doll!!!! I don't think she is supposed to smile yet---but she sure is doing it!!! She's a genius--just like all the babies up there....

  4. WOW!!! The comment Joann made is exactly what I just said to Grandpa as he walked by the computer as I was looking at the blogs this a.m. {I had not read Joann's comment, yet, when I said those things to Grandpa.] She isn't supposed to smile like that, yet. Could it be the name????? Genius??? But we really think it is the nurturing all those north country babies receive.

  5. She sure has developed her little personality, hasn't she? Some people say it's gas when they smile.. they sure are wrong! you can always tell when it's genuine.. hers really is.. what a sweetheart.
    So girls, where do you think that bunny will hide the eggs this year? he sure is tricky.. sometimes he hides them in shoes at our house..(yuck!)
    have a Happy Easter!!!
    Jenny P.

  6. Hey Again Jenny!
    Thanks for the post!! No, the snowdrops are nothing I planted.. they were here and they are all over right now.. so pretty! I thought I had given you some a few years back, but I guess I didn't.. I have given Wendy some stuff, maybe it was her. I will dig you some if you'd like sometime! They are a tiny little "bulbs" (not sure if they are technically bulbs..) They come right up in the snow and seem to stick around for a while. Anyhow.. thanks for checking in on us.. it means so much!! :) I am actually going to try and update now.. it takes soooo long!!!We miss you!!
    Love always
