Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cool playground

Uh Brad please don't get stuck half way!
We enjoyed a sun-filled day at the "other" playground nearby recently.
Spin jo spin.
Emeline liked hopping across this obstacle with dad's help.
I really wanted to climb around but you never know who might see.
This was a scary slide to little eyes.

Emmy really wished she was big so that she could climb around on this. I bet Jo is pretending to be spiderman.

A modern-day see-saw.
Spin him faster girls. faster faster!
Mountain climber Georgia. We should find a place nearby that has these sort of walls to climb. It would be fun.
Is Emmy the spotter?
Now miss independent needs to try. We rode the horses last night and when it was her turn Daddy held her leg. She didn't like that at all and insisted that she could do it herself!
Another peek!
Hold on Josie. Ouch it looks like you are uncomfortable.
Neat swing isn't it? Extra comfy for little (but especially bigger) behinds.
After the playground we ate our lunch at the river. This is as close as they wanted to get. We need Uncle Ben and Uncle Russell to take the girls fishing some time.
THEN, to top the day off Mom and Dad played tennis while the girls rode their bikes. This is SUPER fun for them because our drive way is very difficult to ride in. Looks like they are out growing their bikes. It is always something.
Notice no Margie in these pictures. She was an angel and slept the whole time! Thanks Margie Sue!


  1. What a cool playground! Great pictures!

  2. That looks like fun AND you got to play tennis!? I know Eric would love to play tennis with Brad sometime.. I am no match for him and he never wants to hit the balls so I can hit them, so it just doesn't work!
    Did you get any shots of the horseback riding? I'm dying without my camera!! Sarah rode last night. Kit's gaits are not what they are suppose to be and I don't know how to fix it.. We sent a picture to Grandma and she says he's "pacing".. another obstacle to overcome with our little brat!! and now the flies are out.. are you ready for that Jen?!!
    Hug the girls for me and keep checking for an update.. I hope to have a camera soon... I HOPE!!!
    Have a good day!!!
    love you all!
    Jenny P.
