Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!!

Sleeping on Daddy.
I pulled a little April Fools joke on the girls this morning. Under their cheerios I put some drops of food coloring and when it mixed with the milk... "aaahhhhh".

Emmy thought nothing of it. She was just hungry.
Happy April fools everyone!!


  1. Good joke!! I told the kids this am that there was a HUGE storm and school was closed.. they didn't buy it. :)
    I have to tell you Jenny, that sometimes I visit your blog in the am at work if a student is having a hard time after their parents leave.. this morning one little girl was so upset, I asked her if she wanted to hear a little baby cry, she I got margie's little video to play and it attracted a while group of preschoolers! One little girl said "she sounds like a coyote!!!" and it opened up this whole discussion on why babies cry (some bosted that THEY didn't cry when they were babies, thy just wiggled when they wanted a diaper change or to be fed.. ) yeah right! SO.. thanks to Margie Sue for saving me this morning!!!!
    love to you all!!!
    Jenny P.

  2. It is so wonderful to see your little lady!!! I can't wait to see her in person!!! :)


  3. Very funny joke. We'll definitely have to try it with Elsie tomorrow even though it won't be April Fools!
