Friday, March 27, 2009

The unveiling of my Margie Sue!!

Well here is my fourth little princess. Miss Margie Sue. She was 20 1/2 inches and 7lb 5 oz. She arrived March 25th at 4:32 a.m. Labor and delivery went pretty easily and I just feel blessed to have another little girl to raise.
Here she is right after birth. Poor girl had it rough.
Daddy admiring his angel girl.
Now it's mommy's turn. She is pretty cute I must admit.

The siblings were VERY eager to see the long awaited Margie.
"Margie came out! Margie came out" Emmy kept saying. She also said over and over "I'm a big sister!" Maybe the adjustment will be ok after all!!! ?? No I spoke too soon last night. Emeline really wanted and needed some snuggle time last night. Margie slept GREAT but Emmy woke up and just needed to be held.

Here she is Day 2! I LOVE HER SO MUCH IT DRIVES ME NUTS. Just had to get that out!!
I will post more later. Thanks for thinking of us. Jessie the lasagna was delicious and it was such a help. Thank you so much.
xoxo Jenny


  1. Oh Gosh... should I have another???!! She is gorgeous!! Just like the older three! Can't wait to get my hands on her.. and girls, I want a hug from you when I see you next, I'm so happy for you all!!! Go glad all went smoothly for you Jenny!

  2. Dear Jenny and All,
    We are so very happy that Margie Sue is here!!! The name you have picked cannot please us more. We are more than delighted that you would choose Margie Sue...The two names really go together beautifully.
    We are so very glad that all went smoothly for you and baby. She is absolutely beautiful and she is loved already by everyone, it shows.
    We can't wait to meet her in person and please keep the photos coming so we can watch her grow into a beautiful little girl like Georgia, Josie and Emmie.
    Congratulations to Mom, Dad and Sisters!!!
    Sending much, much love to each of you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She is so pretty and sweet! I have been waiting for a chance to get online to see if you had a chance to put pictures up. Enjoy these newborn moments. I am so happy for all of you.

  5. She as cute as cute could be:) I can't wait to meet her!!

  6. She is just lovely!!! Congratulations---I love your blog's name change!!
