Monday, March 2, 2009

Hay is for horses.

We were out of hay this weekend so we had to take a trip down the road where we store the bales to get some more. Here is Jazz coming to meet her girls. She loves it when the kids go out.
Jo and Dad headed down the road to the barn.
Poor Daddy doing all the work since Mommy can't lift a bale. Well I can but Dad said "absolutely not" after I tried to get away with it.
Georgia and Josie exploring. This barn isn't ours or even the famiies. A man that lives down South sort of put it in Grandpa B's care since he isn't close enough to care or monitor it. It works for us!
Georgia hitched a ride back. Here they are zooming back home. Slow down Dad you're going to lose some. Sure enough right after I snapped this picture that bale in the back fell in the road.
Jesus, you taught us that judgment belongs to you, and that you wold judge us based on how we treat you in each other. Please grant us the grace of seeing you in the least of our brothers and sisters, and the generosity to act accordingly.
Today's suggested penance: Do something concrete to help the poor.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I hope this works.. I tried to post a comment earlier, but "error" came up, so if you get two messages, I'm sorry! here goes!:
    I love the expression on the horses face! They are always thinking about their tummies aren't they??
    Have fun!
    Jenny P.
