Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spring Fever

We had spring fever yesterday so we decided to trek to the mailbox to enjoy the first warm day of the year!
The girls made a fort (?) in this place last year and they couldn't believe remnants of it were still there. Here, they are pretending to roast marshmallows.

Jo and Emeline were peaking at Georgia wishing she could explore the water. Not quite yet Georgia.
What an unexpected surprise the girls found in the mailbox. It worked out perfectly. The only thing in there was addressed to the two of them!! They were so excited and it certainly made our walk even more worthwhile.
This is a cute mirror image of Georgia and Jo peering over the edge of the bridge.
Little lazy bones enjoyed the walk. Bandit joined us as well.

Josie climbed up here and said "I'm the Queen of Narniaaaaaa".
Finally we got inside to open their cards.
"Thank you Thank you Grandma and Grandpa H!!"
pardon me...
"Great Grandma and Great Grandpa H!!!"


  1. Hi Girls,
    There should have been three cards in there. I hope Emmie's arrives tomorrow!!!! We love all your news on your blog. XXXXX

  2. What a nice day for a walk! Wow, you guys lost a lot of your snow! We still have some and what we have it iced over, so it's miserable to do anything on! We love the shot of the girls on the bridge.. you should frame that one! Also Jenny, we want to see a picture of you and your cute belly!!!
    Jenny and fam
