Sunday, February 22, 2009

Georgia's birthday party!

My Georgia can't be almost 8! We celebrated with family yesterday.She decided she wanted four layer chocolate delight for her cake. I wanted to take the opportunity to share an awesome cake that my cousin Becky made. Check it out. We NEED that pan!!

Georgia, Ava and Josie. The three amigos.
Grandma B., Rick and Grandma G. visiting.
Uncle Richard, cousins Matt and Corey and Daddy.
Russell in the dog house.
Brendan and Emeline played nicely together at times!!
Brendan found the closest thing to a truck in the girls girly playroom.
Georgia reading her cards.
Grandma and Emmy.
The three girls after the party. Georgia asked for a small gift and then food for the food pantry. She ended up with quite the haul!! Look at all the food!!!!!!!!!!! We can't wait to deliver it. Maybe they will let her stock the shelves again.
We missed having Jessie, Matt and family. Jessie and Sam are still in the hospital. Sorry I have no update but there are some pictures on Stacy's blog from her visit with Jessie and Sam a couple of days ago. There was no update as of last evening. Things were still the same.


  1. MMM that cake look Delicious Georgia I wish I could have been there at your party, but hopefully when I come up this weekend to go to Anthonys basketball game I will get to see you and the rest of the family.

  2. It looks like a fun party.. I wish I could have been there to see you and to sample that cake!!
    WHOA!!! That is a LOT of food! The food pantry will be so greatful!! Doesn't it feel GREAT to help others??!! You are such a good girl Georgia to donate all of that food!
    Jenny, I love that picture of your mom with Emmy.. so beautiful..
    talk to you soon!
