Saturday, January 10, 2009

Silhouette Art

We have moved on to the Colonial period of American History and we learned that silhouette portraits were common forms of art during this time. We gave it a try.
I'll keep you posted as to how they turn out. I did manage to get Emeline's profile as well - just wasn't quick enough to snap a picture of her before she jumped down. It was comical I would tell her to look at me as I knelt down in front of her and every time I took the crayon to the paper her head would turn to look. This happened oh, about 25 times... BUT we got it!!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Now, you taught me something.I did not know that this was from colonial times!Sarah and I will do this. Thanks for sharing!!!
    Jenny P. (from Samuel Morey Elementary school, Fairlee Vt!)
    ps you guys should look up Samuel Morey.. he did something not many people know about that someone else got credit for.. very interesting!)
