Thursday, January 22, 2009

Operation Playtime Day 3 : cooking

Today's operation-playtime activity was cooking. Something we love to do together around here. While Georgia was doing her math this morning I was going to operation playtime to see what was planned for today's activity. At the same moment that I found out the theme was cooking Georgia said "Mom can we make no-bake cookies today?" There was a recipe in her book. So bingo, we made no-bakes.
First the girls donned their aprons (or batters as Josie calls them ??).

We have fun cooking together around here because it is one time that the kids really cooperate without question. They know that in order to reap the rewards of their baking they need to work together. It is also an opportunity, since we usually halve recipes to use our math skills. The recipe called to boil ingredients for 60 seconds so instead of setting the timer we counted aloud. All things that we usually do to make the time spent playing together carry with it another (hidden) aspect of learning.

Looks good Jo.

Nice job Georgia!
We left a couple too close to the edge and I heard a little while later as the bigger girls and I were working a somewhat muffled sounding "mmm good". I found Emmy hiding behind a cupboard devouring a cookie down as fast as she could.


Grandma and Grandpa H. said...

Boy, do those cookies look tasty. I'm sure they were. You all certainly have much fun doing all those exciting activities. Great job teacher!!!! Love to you all. God bless!

Anonymous said...

No-bake cookies are my personal favorite! It's the first recipe I ever memorized! I'm glad you enjoyed operation playtime today.

The Parenti Family said...

no bakes are a weakness of mine.. I wish I was there to eat one (or two!)
Jenny P

Melitsa said...

Someone's gonna have to let me in on the secret bakes. I understand the concept but my no bakes are Cornflake crunch not cookies. Something to go look up. What great cookie cooks you have!