Wednesday, January 21, 2009

operation-playtime day 2

I thought operation-playtime sounded like it was up our alley so we are giving it a go! Aunt Joann is participating as well.

Well I am using Brad's computer because mine is away being repaired. I can't get the video function to work on this computer so all I have to share are photos of our playtime. The above picture is of a star-mobile we made to go along with the beautiful rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" that the girls created.

Here are the little ones comparing piggies in preparation for "This Little Pig".

A close up of "This little pig cried wee wee wee wee, all the way home."

We also had fun doing "Ring Around the Rosy" and "Humpty Dumpty" as well as many more!


  1. I glad you joined us at Operation Playtime--it had fun!

  2. Adorable! This Little Piggy is a favorite here too. :)

  3. Yeah! Thanks for joining in. I can see everyone had so much fun. This little piggy is a firm favourite with my shhhh BG too. They never grow out of Curious though do you say "Ashes Ashes we all fall down" or "Atishoo Atishoo we all fall down"
