Friday, November 14, 2008

Our lap-book is finished

As I mentioned before we were in the process of making a Little House in the Big Woods lap-book. Well, we finished it. I didn't have any file folders but I did have poster board that I cut and folded. It is no longer a lap-book but a 2-lap-book I guess!
The kids learned so much about the "olden days". As you can see we compared the Ingall's Christmas to ours, how they collected honey, Laura's corn cob doll, etc.

Also, sugar snow, recipes that they cooked over their cook stove, and how they preserved meat for the winter.

We learned how to make butter, harvest grain without a tractor, what they did on Sundays, and what games kids played in the snow.

...and, their chore lists, how Ma made them straw hats, how they collected maple sugar and how Ma made cheese.
Here it is. It was a real eye-opener for the kids. We went to the library to get the next Little House book but it happened to be out. I noticed that there were other Little House lap-books available!!


  1. Well done. I really enjoyed hearing all of the things that the Little House people did. It makes you appreciate what you have today. Love Dad

  2. Thanks for posting the FreePoverty game for water. I've put it up on my blog underneath my Free Rice Program. Having a Neocounter has helped me learn better Geography although my score from FreePoverty says I need more help. lol :)
