Saturday, November 29, 2008

A little more turkey.

Emeline and Josie participated in a program at the library last week. They made their own turkey hats.
Pardon Em's really cruddy looking shirt. Yuck!

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
Grandpa hope you are relaxing and feeling better now that you are home.
Love to you all.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

project adventure

Dad's latest unit in Phys.Ed. is project adventure. We stopped in to say hello and the kids got to swing from the big rope.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

well I don't think that worked

I just tried to play the video and it didn't work. I'll work on it.

a little tap dance fever

This is just a silly video of the girls doing a tap dance video that they have. They love to do it and this was the first time that Emmy really got into it.

~Please pray for my Grandfather~

Friday, November 21, 2008

Native American toy

Our theme in Social Studies has been based around the Pilgrims and Native Americans. We recently read a book about Squanto and in it was a Native American toy that fathers used to make their children.

I found a dowel, the kids painted it. Then we attached a string and a hoop. I cut the middle out of a plastic lid. We strung some beads and attached feathers and voila - we have a toy.

Josie has a hard time but her persistence always wins.
Almost Josie. Try again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I finally did it. I finally mastered (well not mastered) but learned how to crochet. In the past I have tried and tried and something just clicked this time. Man it's easy!
I haven't been able to stop therefore all three girls got a hat. They haven't taken them off because a couple of weeks ago we watched "Kit Kittredge" (the American Girl movie) and they think they look like Kit in their hats.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pirate Invasion!

There was a pirate invasion this weekend. Here is Daddy pirate assisting Emmy pirate to safety in her rowboat.
They are back to the ship "armed" with cannon balls.

Here are the evil foes returning fire.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Turkey craft

To get into the theme of things we made a handprint/footprint turkey craft.
The footprint bodies.
Then the difficult part - cutting all those handprints out. Only attempt this craft if you (not the kids) are feeling really ambitious about cutting!

The "tail feathers" are then glued to the footprint body.

Here they are. They have been writing things that they are thankful for on the fingertips. Josie found some foamy stickers and made her turkey look a bit sinister ? Then Emeline decided the body needed a little squiggly flair. Thanks Emmy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Our lap-book is finished

As I mentioned before we were in the process of making a Little House in the Big Woods lap-book. Well, we finished it. I didn't have any file folders but I did have poster board that I cut and folded. It is no longer a lap-book but a 2-lap-book I guess!
The kids learned so much about the "olden days". As you can see we compared the Ingall's Christmas to ours, how they collected honey, Laura's corn cob doll, etc.

Also, sugar snow, recipes that they cooked over their cook stove, and how they preserved meat for the winter.

We learned how to make butter, harvest grain without a tractor, what they did on Sundays, and what games kids played in the snow.

...and, their chore lists, how Ma made them straw hats, how they collected maple sugar and how Ma made cheese.
Here it is. It was a real eye-opener for the kids. We went to the library to get the next Little House book but it happened to be out. I noticed that there were other Little House lap-books available!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We're thinking of you Grandpa

My Grandpa H. just recently had surgery to remove his appendix. He is doing fine (still in hospital) but could use a few extra prayers sent his way for a speedy recovery.

edible color wheel

This week we decided to do a lesson on color theory. We followed this great idea. Here are the girls mixing their primary colors to get started.
Our primary and secondary colors look good. We used store bought frosting (it was on hand) and RITZ crackers (they were on hand too).

Their smiles never ceased. As you can see our primary, secondary and tertiary colors are finished. It was very easy and worked without a problem. Overall it was a great hands on lesson that I believe made them understand the mixing process. (primary +primary = secondary and primary + secondary = tertiary)

The last step was to mix all the colors together to make a neutral. That is the gray one in the middle. Lots of fun!! Try it!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A gorgeous fall day.

These pictures are from last week. We're back into pre-winter temps now :(
Emmy loving Jerry
Georgia practicing her jump shot.
Josie practicing her granny shot.
Bubbles. What fun.
Kite flying too.
After all of that fun we played in leaves.

We had one jack-o-lantern that hadn't rotted out. So we decided to make him CHIEF Jack-o-lantern.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Halloween finale

Grandma G's annual Halloween party.Toasted marshmallows over candles with teddy grahams and mini-marshmallows.
A really cool fishing game.

Emmy fished a dolly.
Brendan hooked a ball.
Josie caught a flashlight.

Grandma brought out some pudding for a snack. Ut oh grandma, it must not have been covered very well.. SOME MICE GOT INTO IT!

Uncle Russell gave his little nieces a scare.

The three amigos.
Georgia, Ava and Josie
Grandma and Grandpa H made the party! (in spirit)
Mom spent a lot of time creating this scene.
Russell received a trophy for his football season. Way to go Russell.