Sunday, October 26, 2008

Little House lapbook

We decided to start reading Little House in the Big Woods and I found a Lapbook to go along with the story.


  1. How intersting! We are big fans of little house. I read all of them to Sarah and she's read some on her own now that she's older. We loved Farmer Boy the best! We actually have a friend here in NH who's family is descended from Almonzo Wilder in farmer boy. We hope to visit the original Wilder farm in Malone, NY one of these days on a trip to visit "home"! Enjoy your book! We'd love to hear about the chapters again.. will Georgia be posting it on her blog?
    have a good Sunday!
    love always
    Jenny P

  2. Lapbooks are one of our favorite things...I can't wait to see it progress!
