Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some like carving... others not so much

Here are my girls anticipating the pumpking carving.
Emmy was sooo excited. She was very intrigued by the messy yuck she saw inside.

So intrigued that she decided to give it a taste test. As I carved hers and the chunks fell out she would say cheese and try to eat it.

She soon realized it wasn't any "cheese" that she had tasted before.

Then pumpkin carving took a turn for the worst. "Mom somethings not right"
What is the matter Emeline?
Oh that's what is wrong. This seemed to happen ceaselessly after this.

Here is Emmy's finished pumpkin.

Here is Emmy looking at that very pumpkin!

Here they are. (All except Dad's. He did his when he got home from work.)
I guess I should say - Here they ALL are!

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