Thursday, October 9, 2008

The makings of our Country

We are currently learning about the makings of our country. I found a series of books called "The Library of the Pilgrims" at our local library. They have really enhanced our learning, and the kids can't believe that they reveal the same things that their social studies book does. This was the latest. We read before this "The Pilgrims before the Mayflower" (something like that).
Keeping with the theme we got the paint out after the youngest was out of our hair and painted some pictures. I required them to do their own rendition of the Mayflower. We also took a tour of the Mayflower and journey of the Mayflower.

Day 14
We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of you love for all the saints.
We humbly come before You and ask that Your Spirit reach across the lands to all who are hurting and spiritually lost. Restore their hearts with hope everlasting; comfort them with Your tender, loving arms. May we be sensitive to their needs, whether physical or spiritual, and be eager and willing to share Your love for them, just as you have bestowed Your love upon us.


  1. Darn!! Our library system doesn't have these books. They look great!

  2. It looks like you have two artists in the family. Nice work!!! XXXXX

  3. I LOVED learning about the Mayflower!! Isn't is amazing what people went through to have so many freedoms they did not have before?? AMAZING! HIstory is my favorite!
    JENNY P. P(at work on break!)
