Friday, September 5, 2008

Joann don't laugh! AND Stacy my pig noses are showing!

Well here is my kindergartener! She is very proud of herself. No we are not one of those families that wears uniforms while we home school. Georgia wore uniforms to school and we dug some up so that I could have an official first day of school photo for Josie (like I did for Georgia). I have a couple more of her inside that are cute just can't find them right now.

Emeline proved to be a little difficult the first day. I discovered she just wanted to participate. So, I gave her a piece of paper and a pencil and she stood there for a good hour just babbling and writing away!

We searched for a craft to do online and found this cute paper angel at DLTK something or other.

This is a nice aspect of home schooling. Georgia is my mommy's helper and she read Em right to sleep yesterday.


  1. Congratulations, Jenny!!!
    The the excitement really begins!

  2. You girls looked beautiful in your school photos! I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about the neat things you are learning and doing!

  3. Jenny!!
    Congratulations on day one of home schooling. You, Brad and girls must be excited and ready to go. Keep us posted on your activities. We love it and we love you all.

  4. Very pretty first day of school pictures Josie and Georgia. Josie you look like such a big girl! You should be so proud of your self for being a kindergartener! You and Ava will have to share ideas and talk about what you learn!

  5. Conrats on your first day of homeschooling. This was our first year that we did not have a 1st day of school photo as we took our daughter out at Christmas last year. Your little ones are so cute...have fun!!!

  6. Have fun you guys!!! The pictures are gorgeous.
    Jenny P

  7. Congrats on your first day!
    It's going to be so much fun!
    Give it your all! :)
