Monday, September 22, 2008

A baby shower!

We all (mom, Stacy, Jessie and I) went to a baby shower for a family friend. Here is Kerry, the mother to be, getting a lot of "help" from the little girls who love to help sooo much.
A nice smiley Kerry.

Elsie was perplexed by this mysterious sock which kept ending up here and there.

Brendan enjoyed making faces at me from afar. Here is is waving. Hi Aunt Jenny- keep your distance! No Brendan likes me!!
Emmy did NOT go to the party. What a rotten mother. If you haven't noticed it was held at the local library. Could you imagine Emeline? She would be recategorizing all afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. What an awful face I am making Jenny!!! :) :) Thanks a bundle! HEe Hee HEe

    The girls were an amazing help, and I think that I found that sock somewhere after the shower....

    that sock sure did end up in some amazing places.

    We might be looking forward to coming home soon. This mommy needs to stop all of her stress...

    Hope you all are well,

