Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Alpaca Farm open house

We visited an Alpaca Farm this weekend. Here is Josie feeling the wool. It is sooo soft I couldn't believe it. The kids learned all about them.
Here is (I think Amigo) coming in for a close up. This is a full grown Alpaca- I was surprised. I thought they got a little bigger.

The Alpacas did tricks for us too. (If the kids could get them to cooperate.)

There were spinners there spinning the wool into yarn. It was very interesting. We even saw some of the merchandise made from Alpaca wool that was just beautiful. Ok- I'm sold - I would like an Alpaca farm.

This little goat amused the kids for quite a while. Georgia is taking the pictures but she and Josie eventually went in the pen to play with him.

...and there were kittens. One was the cutest I have ever seen. Stinky Brad wouldn't let me bring anything home. Ugh. Next time he won't be invited!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the girls had fun. They are so cute Jenny! Love the pictures. Aunt Kelly
