Monday, August 18, 2008

A walk to the tracks at Gma and Gpa H's house!

Jo says "I found treasure!" Actually Jo it looks like you found junk.
Em really enjoyed listening to the trains from the house so we decided to walk down to wait for one to go by. We heard one in the distance and she was excited, flapping her arms and dancing around. It got a little closer, she hooted and grinned, danced around... We heard the whistle again a little louder and she did the same. Finally it was here and she screamed and dug her little claws right into my back. The conclusion: Em likes trains from afar. *Note Josie!

1 comment:

  1. I love trains too Josie!! I like the sound they make along the tracks. I remember going to those same tracks you went to with your mom when we were kids and catching crayfish nearby too!
    Tell everyone hello for me! miss you guys!
    Jenny P.
