Monday, August 18, 2008

A walk to the tracks at Gma and Gpa H's house!

Jo says "I found treasure!" Actually Jo it looks like you found junk.
Em really enjoyed listening to the trains from the house so we decided to walk down to wait for one to go by. We heard one in the distance and she was excited, flapping her arms and dancing around. It got a little closer, she hooted and grinned, danced around... We heard the whistle again a little louder and she did the same. Finally it was here and she screamed and dug her little claws right into my back. The conclusion: Em likes trains from afar. *Note Josie!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our arrival at Cranberry Lake

Did you know ducks do tricks. The ducks were sadly to say more tame than our domestic ducks we have at home! This one in particular was fond of Ben and was actually jumping up to get a piece of tortilla chip. Yep ducks do indeed do tricks.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

An adventure in the woods!

We took a nature hike a few days ago. First stop was atop a round bale in the field out back. Usually the dog loves to jump on the bales with the kids. We use round bales to feed the horses through the winter therefore we usually have two rows of 6 down by our horse shed. At least once after we get them in place the dog goes nuts and jumps atop them and just runs around the tops of them like a maniac. The kids love it.
We went in search of wildlife and at first all we saw was hundreds and hundreds of frogs that would jump into puddles as we walked by. It was a little gross thinking that our feet were so close to smooshing them there were that many. As far as wildlife goes little did we know what we would soon encounter!

Here is a pretty spot full of ferns.

Our walk was abbreviated because.... The most exciting thing was after we had hiked about 15-20 minutes into the woods I heard a rustle and then coyotes started howling at us. WE WERE SOOO CLOSE EVERY HAIR ON MY NECK STOOD UP. I had Em in my arms and instantly Jo and Georgia jumped on me. We didn't even stick around to see if we could see them we just ran and ran and ran. It has permanently damaged Jo. Every now and then she will hear something like a siren in the distance and come crying to me.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Look what floated overhead!

Look who floated by. They were so close to the house we could have held a conversation.

Isn't it beautiful?

One year the balloon landed right across the road on Brad's parents lawn and on numerous occasions we have had it land in fields right next to the house. When it landed on the lawn we ran over to check it out and watch them roll it up. The "driver" (not sure what you call a balloon pilot) offered to take the kids up a few feet for a ride! They were too scared. I guess the thought of maybe floating away may have been a little overwhelming.