Tuesday, July 29, 2008

we have a "Cuse" kid

Well I got a couple of pictures!! Over the weekend Georgia participated in a soccer camp put on by the Syracuse Orange soccer coaches and players. It was very fun and informational for her. Here she is in her T-shirt. The picture of the back wouldn't upload for me but it says " 'Cuse kids club". We plan on going to a game this fall to see the players that she met and give them a cheer.


  1. Tell Georgia that Eric is a huge "cuse" fan!! He went to Syracuse university (the forestry program he went to was a branch out of syracuse ESF). It sounds like it was a really fun camp for you Georgia!!! You look so cute in your tee shirt. Eric has some cuse tee's too. You'll both have to wear them on our next visit! :)
    I updated our blog last night Jenny.. I did manage to get some pictures on, but then it would not let me post any more. I tried again today and the same thing, so you are not alone!!
    I hope that all is well there!! Take care you guys! miss you!
    love ya's
    Jenny P.

  2. Go "Cuse Kid!" Great uniform. Go Georgia!!!!!. XXXXX
