Sunday, July 20, 2008


Friday morning I finally caught a glimpse of my hummingbird friend. It likes to come and drink from the blooms on my hostas.

We had a wonderful visit with my friend Jenny P and her daughter Sarah and their dog Sally Friday. She now lives in New Hampshire so visits are few and far between.

We always take a picture of the kids on the swingset. It won't be long before they have outgrown this! I tried to find a past picture but couldn't on this new(er) computer. We love you guys and look forward to visiting with you again real soon. It is nice to get that b.f.f. feeling back!!

1 comment:

  1. We made it home safe and sound last night at around ten... late!! I made a stop in to see Eric's parents and his aunt who was up from Missouri. I had only met her one time so we really wanted to stop. We miss you guys already.. Christian saw the pictures that your girls made for us and he was sorry he did not come with us to visit you!
    I am always sad when I leave you Jenny.. you are such a good friend!!! Hug the girls for me!
    We love the pictures you poste!
    miss you!
    Jenny P.
