Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Summer school, oh maaaan!"

Well I told the kids Monday "Summer school starts today." I got in reply "Summer school, oh maaan!" We did some reading and some math and then we took a riding lesson. (Brad went to work for the town so I can actually DO something around here again. It seems when he is home I get nothing done.) Jazz was very patient. For those of you who can recognize- Yes she has a western saddle and an english bit and hand position- it makes it easier on Jazz's mouth if I start them this way.
Go Josie go my little cowgirl!

1 comment:

  1. YAY Girls! you looks soooo good up there! What a nice horsie too.. have fun! How nice to have your momma give you a lesson!! Pretty soon you'll be riding all over the place!! Take care and be safe! love,
    Jenny P.
